PHARM 2407
Rasmussen College
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PHARM 2407-Med-tracker Week 3
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2021
- $10.99
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PHARM 2407-Med-tracker Week 3 
Med-tracker Week 3 
Drug: Aspirin 
Anti-inflammatory Non-opiod analgesic 
Type: NSAID salicylate 
Use: pain, fever, decrease platelet aggregation 
Medication Examples: Aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, ASA 
Administration: PO, Rectal 
Action: Blocks pain impulses in the CNS, reduces inflammation by inhibition of prostaglandin 
synthesis, antipyretication from vasodilation of peripheral vessels, decrease platelet aggregation. 
Adverse effects: tinnitus (ototoxic), d...

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