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Voici les meilleures ressources pour passer PN CAPSTONE NCLEX QUESTIONS_4. Trouvez guides d'étude pour PN CAPSTONE NCLEX QUESTIONS_4, notes, devoirs et bien plus encore.
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- Examen • 12 pages • 2021
- $16.49
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1. Which intervention is appropriate for the nurse caring for a male client in severe pain
receiving a continuous I.V. infusion of morphine?
a. Assisting with a naloxone challenge test before therapy begins
b. Discontinuing the drug immediately if signs of dependence appear
c. Changing the administration route to P.O. if the client can tolerate fluids
d. Obtaining baseline vital signs before administrating the first dose.
2. When caring for a client who has a colostomy created as part of a...
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1. Which intervention is appropriate for the nurse caring for a male client in severe pain receiving a continuous I.V. infusion of morphine? a. Assisting with a naloxone challenge test before therapy begins b. Discontinuing the drug immediately if signs of dependence appear c. Changing the administration route to P.O. if the client can tolerate fluids d. Obtaining baseline vital signs before administrating the first dose. 2. When caring for a client who has a colostomy created as part of a...
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