Saint Anthony College Of Nursing
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WREB CTP Meds for Oral Conditions (Solved) Latest 2021/2022.
- Other • 4 pages • 2021
- $10.49
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WREB CTP Meds for Oral Conditions Quiz 
Write the prescription for an acute infection in a patient with NKDA. 
What is the max. dose for a single dose of amoxicillin forprophylaxis? 
Write the prescription for an acute infection in a patient with allergy to penicillin. 
What is the max. dose for a single dose of clindamycin for prophylaxis? 
What is one medical consideration for prescribing azithromycin? 
What is the max single dose for azithromycin for prophylaxis? 
Acetaminophen is...
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