Trinity Christian College
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Miami Regional University Florida NURSING 5950: Review for Mid-Term (Leadership).
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2023
- $16.49
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Review for Mid-Term (Leadership). 1- A nurse manager of a 20-bed medical unit finds that 80% of the patients are older adults. She is asked to assess and adapt the unit to better meet the unique needs of the older adult patient. Using complexity principles, what would be the best approach to take for implementation of this change? 2- A unit manager of a 25-bed medical/surgical area receives a phone call from a nurse who has called in sick five times in the past month. He tells the manager that h...
Miami Regional University Florida NURSING 5950: Review for Mid-Term (Leadership).
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2023
- $17.49
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Review for Mid-Term (Leadership). 1- A nurse manager of a 20-bed medical unit finds that 80% of the patients are older adults. She is asked to assess and adapt the unit to better meet the unique needs of the older adult patient. Using complexity principles, what would be the best approach to take for implementation of this change? 2- A unit manager of a 25-bed medical/surgical area receives a phone call from a nurse who has called in sick five times in the past month. He tells the manager that h...
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