Biochemistry: Mod 1
Western Governers University
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Biochemistry: Mod 1

Biochemistry: Mod 1 | VERIFIED SOLUTION
- Exam (elaborations) • 40 pages • 2021
- $13.00
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•	DNA = phosphate + deoxyribose sugar + A/T/C/G 
o	Contains two strands. The strands are antiparallel (opposite each other). 
o 5’ → 3’ 
3’ ← 5’ 
•	RNA = phosphate + ribose sugar + A/U/C/G 
o	Single strand, can fold back onto itself and form pairs between itself (stem‐loop). 
•	Each nucleic acid is made up of polymers (many monomers) that are called nucleotides. 
o	Nucleotides contain one or more phosphates, a five‐carbon sugar, and a nitrogen base. 
o	Nucleotides are alway...

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