BIOS 242 Fundamentals Of Microbiology With Lab (BIOS 242)
Ivy Tech Community College Of Indiana - Columbus
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BIOS 242 Week 1 Quiz: Summer 2021/2022 (New, all answers correct)
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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BIOS 242 Week 1 Quiz: Summer 2021 
Question: Disease-causing microorganisms are called __________ 
Question: In which way are bacteria and eukaryotes the same? 
Question: Many chronic infections are caused by microbes that associate in communities termed _______. 
Question: Which of the following historical microbiologists is incorrectly paired with his contribution to the science? 
Question: Which of the following is a scientific name? 
Question: What part of a phospholipid comprises the hydrop...

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