CJ345 Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice (CJ345)
Purdue University
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Purdue Global University Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice CJ345 unit 1 assignment
- Essay • 5 pages • 2021
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SARA is an acronym that stands for a conflict resolution process which includes steps categorized as Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Assessment.

Purdue Global University Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice CJ345 Unit 2 assignment
- Essay • 5 pages • 2021
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As the immediate supervisor of the two officers I would first sit them both down and counsel them. By which I mean that is something that should be done the day those officers were placed under my command. The first day it would be an initial counseling session. I would sit them down together and describe what I expect from them, what the standards are, what they should expect from me and that I will be counseling them on a monthly basis.

Purdue Global University Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice CJ345 Unit 4 assignment
- Essay • 5 pages • 2021
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This case study concerns with the disciplinary level and action of a situation where a senior married police officer engaging in unprofessional conduct with a rookie officer. Sergeant Jones’s decision was to call FTO Williams in his office. From here SGT Jones should inform him of what he has heard about FTOs behavior and hear what he has to say about this.

Purdue Global University Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice CJ345 unit 6 assignment
- Essay • 12 pages • 2021
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Purdue Global University Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice CJ345 unit 8 assignment
- Essay • 8 pages • 2021
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As the shift Lieutenant, When officer Stevens, the shift Sergeant. approaches me and reports the incident he witnessed. Which was after the shifts roll call he witnessed two male officers making sexually explicit comments whilst a female dispatcher was basically within arm’s length of the two.

Purdue Global University Criminal Justice Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice CJ345 unit 9 powerpointIn this presentation we will discuss several theories related to supervisory practices. Define them and describe their importance. Relate them to b
- Presentation • 12 pages • 2021
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In this presentation we will discuss several theories related to supervisory practices. Define them and describe their importance. Relate them to being a supervisor. How can we benefit from it!?

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