NURS6630 Final Exam (NURS6630 FINAL EXAM)
Devry University
Here are the best resources to pass NURS6630 Final Exam (NURS6630 FINAL EXAM). Find NURS6630 Final Exam (NURS6630 FINAL EXAM) study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.
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NURS6630 FINAL EXAM Latest Study Guide: Attempt Score 74/75
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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NURS6630 FINAL EXAM (Latest): WALDEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION 1 What will the PMHNP most likely prescribe to a patient with psychotic aggression who needs to manage the top-down cortical control and the e xcessive drive from striatal hyperactivity? A. Stimulants B. Antidepressants C. Antipsychotics D. SSRIs QUESTION 2 The PMHNP is selecting a medication treatment option for a patient who is exhibiting psychotic behaviors with poor impulse control and aggression. Of the available treatments, which can...
Exam (elaborations)
NURS6630 FINAL EXAM Latest Study Guide: Attempt Score 74/75
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NURS6630 FINAL EXAM (Latest): WALDEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION 1 What will the PMHNP most likely prescribe to a patient with psychotic aggression who needs to manage the top-down cortical control and the e xcessive drive from striatal hyperactivity? A. Stimulants B. Antidepressants C. Antipsychotics D. SSRIs QUESTION 2 The PMHNP is selecting a medication treatment option for a patient who is exhibiting psychotic behaviors with poor impulse control and aggression. Of the available treatments, which can...
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