SOC 101
Pittsburg State University
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LMSW EXAM - Bootcamp!, LMSW, LMSW (Updated Spring 2022) A+ guide.
- Exam (elaborations) • 41 pages • 2022
- $18.49
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LMSW EXAM - Bootcamp!, LMSW, LMSW 3 Areas to identify in each question (PPL) - 1. Problem 2. Person 3. Last Sentence (guide to answer question) Key words - 1. Person/Client "hot seat" 2. SAFETY Red Flags - suicide, abuse, life-threatening, unexplained marks, alcohol, recent loss 3. Strong words/ adjectives 4. Age 5. Diagnosis 6. Symptoms/Duration 7. Who are you? 8. Where are you in session? 9. Quotations 10. Direct requests/concerns 11. Qualifiers (First/Next/Best) Distractors - FARM GRITS ROA...
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