VSIM for Nursing
Wichita State University
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The Case of Red Yoder>Red Yoder is an 80-year-old farmer who lives alone in the farmhouse where he grew up (answered)
- Case • 5 pages • 2022
- $8.99
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Overview: Red Yoder is an 80-year-old farmer who lives alone in the 
farmhouse where he grew up. It is located 20 miles outside of town. Red 
has been a widower for 10 years. His son Jon manages the farm now, but 
Red is still involved in the decision making. Red's current medical problems 
include insulin dependent diabetes complicated by an open foot wound. He 
also has some incontinence and difficulty sleeping. 
Monologue: Red is awaiting a visit from the home health nurses. He 
relates that...
The Case of Red Yoder>Red Yoder is an 80-year-old farmer who lives alone in the farmhouse where he grew up (answered)
- Case • 5 pages • 2021
- $8.49
- 1x sold
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The Case of Red Yoder>Red Yoder is an 80-year-old farmer who lives alone in the farmhouse where he grew up (answered)
The Case of Red Yoder>Red Yoder is an 80-year-old farmer who lives alone in the farmhouse where he grew up (answered)
- Case • 7 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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Red Yoder is an 80-year-old farmer who lives alone in the farmhouse where he grew up. It is located 20 miles outside of town. Red has been a widower for 10 years. His son Jon manages the farm now, but Red is still involved in the decision making. Red's current medical problems include insulin dependent diabetes complicated by an open foot wound. He also has some incontinence and difficulty sleeping.
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