MICRO BIO 2100 Dr. Wilk’s Note Guide for Microbiology Unit 10
Galen College Of Nursing
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MICRO BIO 2100 Dr. Wilk’s Note Guide for Microbiology Unit 10
- Examen • 25 páginas • 2021
- $13.00
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MICRO BIO 2100 Dr. Wilk’s Note Guide for Microbiology Unit 10MICRO BIO 2100 Dr. Wilk’s Note Guide for Microbiology Unit 10 
USLO 10.1 
Vocabulary to define: 
•	Pleomorphic-capable of having a variety of shapes 
•	Endothelial cells-an epithelial cell found in blood vessels and lining the heart 
Bacterial Diseases of the digestive system 
•	Bacillus cereus 
o	Disease associated with pathogen-food poisoning/intoxication-found in pasta or rice 
o	Signs and symptoms-symptoms begin within a ...
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