Georgetown College
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Toua Xiong feedback log 100%CORRECT WITH VERIFIED ANSWERS.
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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0:00	You arrived at the patient's side. 
0:00	You reviewed the patient information. 0:00	You reviewed the patient log. 
0:00	You reviewed the diagnostics. 
0:00	You reviewed the clinical observations. 0:00	You reviewed the MAR. 
0:00	You reviewed the 12-lead ECG. 0:00	You reviewed the orders. 
0:00	You reviewed the intake and output. 0:00	You introduced yourself. 
0:04	You washed your hands. To maintain patient safety, it is important to wash your hands as soon as you enter the room. ...
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