SWRK 379 Intro Social Work Communication Skills (SWRK379)
Western Kentucky University
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SWRK379: Chapter 1-8 EXAM 1 Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2021
- $19.49
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SWRK379: Chapter 1-8 EXAM 1 
Question 1 
Why is it useful to move beyond what the client has stated? 
a. It is dangerous to do so because it involves making conjectures that may or may 
not be true. 
b. It uses the practitioner’s assumptions to understand the client’s current situation. 
c. It often helps the client gain new understanding or insight. 
d. It requires the client to become creative in his/her responses. 
Question 2 
Which of the following is NOT one of the circumstances in whic...
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