NURS 2220 (NURS2220)
South Louisiana Community College
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Test bank for safe maternity pediatric nursing care 1st edition by luanne linnard palmer gloria haile coats
- Exam (elaborations) • 594 pages • 2023
- $18.00
- + learn more
1. Which statement is accurate regarding the Healthy People 2020 initiative related to 
families, children, and infants? 
1) Most of the Healthy People documents apply specifically to infants and children. 
2) Healthy People documents address the good health of adults, which benefits 
3) There are no Healthy People initiatives specifically addressing infants or children. 
4) The only initiative impacting families, infants, and children encourages 
ANS: 2 
Chapter numbe...
Test Bank For Safe Maternity and Pediatric Nursing Care 2nd Edition Linnard-Palmer | Latest Guide 2023

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