Boston University
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Latest notes & summaries Boston University
study guide for HP353
document for summary for midterm. focuses on definitions of important terms to know for DNA transcription, interference, transformation, etc. Terms include RNA (mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, RNAi, siRNA, miRNA, etc.), recombinant technology, ORI, DNA ligase, blotting techniques, PCR, transfection, CRISPR/Cas system, transient expression, exons/introns, simple-sequence repeats, SINEs and LINEs, CENP-A Histones, telomeres, transposons, heterochromatin, DNA ligase, steps for replication, etc.. 
To reiterate ...
26 page document focusing on topics learned in Boston Uni Unit 2 Cell Biology course, including: DNA replication, endo/exonucleases, proteins (i.e. ssB, sliding-clamp, clamp-loading, etc.), topoisomerases, telomeres, ensuring accuracy of DNA replication, photoreactivation, mismatch repair in prokaryotes vs eukaryotes, base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, DNA rearrangements and recombinations, DNA aplification, hypermutation, RNA polymerases, mRNA processing, etc. At the end are some...
8.5 page summary for fundamentals of molecular biology from boston uni. not too in depth (hence -- summary) but good for general review before exam, to familiarize with material, or for summary for MCAT biology. one page includes bacteria pneumococcus experiment. There's also techniques for studies of DNA structure, models for DNA replication and structure, experimental evidence of semiconservative DNA replication, and determination of the genetic code. There is also a section that answers "h...
Level 200 Boston University Cell Biology 25 page extensive notes for units on DNA replication, transcription, and repair. Got A on this exam. Topics cover different enzymes involved, clinical scenarios (i.e. how this applies to muscular dystrophy), different mechanisms for recombination and repair, and lots of things involved. Covers transcription for eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Covers mRNA processing, splicing, mRNA degradation, etc. 
Good for studying for a class, exam, or as review for MCAT...
43 pages of Extensive Cell Biology (boston university) unit 1 notes and questions, level 200. topics cover phospholipid bilayers, proteins, diffusion, transport, gradients, cholesterol budding and uptake, endocytosis, DNA replication, sequencing, genetic code, molecular tools to study gene function, PCR reactions, CRISPR/Cas9, DNA sequencing, antibodies, etc. 
This class did a good job of taking different health conditions (i.e. cytic fibrosis) and connecting the material to explain physiologi...
INCREDIBLY helpful summary document of important physiological pathway responses, including energetics of aerobic exercise, the RAAS pathway, reproductive physiology, pathway for urinary physiology and regulation, environmental affects on pigmentation, birth cycle, pregnancy hormone regulation, positive feedback of ovulation, etc. 
Highly recommend these if you need to put everything together. These cover hormone release, energy, blood flow, oxygen concentration, VO2, etc (all where applicable a...
Boston Uni BI315 Unit 2 set of 19 multiple choice in-class practice questions for exam with answers. Focused on sensation, muscle fibers & axons, and hormones. These are good MCAT and exam practice questions. They are not straight-forward, they require you to think more!
Systems Physiology Unit 1 -- similar to an intro to cell biology unit. physiological principles across all levels of organization. topics here include homeostasis, diffusion, transport, osmolarity, digestion, and feedback. there are definitions with some pictures throughout and a set of 24 multiple choice practice questions with the answers provided.
This is a comprehensive and detailed note on Substitution and Elimination Reactions for Cas CH 203. 
Quality stuff!! 
To your advantage!!