Organic Chemistry 2 (CHEM25A)
Brandeis University
Hier sind die besten Ressourcen passieren Organic Chemistry 2 (CHEM25A). Finden Organic Chemistry 2 (CHEM25A) Studienzusammenfassungen, Notizen, Aufgaben und vieles mehr.
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Complete Notes for Organic Chemistry, Second Semester
- Notizen • 102 Seiten • 2019
- $9.99
- + erfahre mehr
Complete, organized notes for the second semester of organic chemistry starting with dienes and ending with Robinson annulation. All required mechanisms are included, along with examples and practice problems. The notes cover topics including, but not limited to, reactions of benzene, aldehydes and ketones, and acyl derivatives, as well as alpha and beta carbon chemistry. I think that other students will find these notes to be as valuable a tool in this challenging course as I did.
Complete Notes for Organic Chemistry, Second Semester
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Complete, organized notes for the second semester of organic chemistry starting with dienes and ending with Robinson annulation. All required mechanisms are included, along with examples and practice problems. The notes cover topics including, but not limited to, reactions of benzene, aldehydes and ketones, and acyl derivatives, as well as alpha and beta carbon chemistry. I think that other students will find these notes to be as valuable a tool in this challenging course as I did.
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5,99 € für deine Lehrbuchzusammenfassung mal 100 Kommilitonen... Rechne mal nach: Das ist eine Menge Geld! Warte nicht länger, sondern fang jetzt an, deine Zusammenfassungen hochzuladen. Entdecke alles über Verdienstmöglichkeiten auf Stuvia
5,99 € für deine Lehrbuchzusammenfassung mal 100 Kommilitonen... Rechne mal nach: Das ist eine Menge Geld! Warte nicht länger, sondern fang jetzt an, deine Zusammenfassungen hochzuladen. Entdecke alles über Verdienstmöglichkeiten auf Stuvia