Bridgewater State University
Latest uploads at Bridgewater State University. Looking for notes at Bridgewater State University? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries Bridgewater State University
Conversions between units for solutions
In depth notes about gen chem 2
Plumbing Practice Test 1 (47questions) 100% Correct 
Solutions Graded A+ 
1. KRS chapter 318 refers to STATE PLUMBING LAW 
2. What does the word "Department" refer to Department of Housing, Buildings and 
3. _______ means a person who engages or offers to engage, In the construction, 
installation, alteration, maintenance, etc... of plumbing under supervision of a 
__________ Journeyman/Master plumber 
4. _______ means a person who assumes responsibility, supervision, or directio...