BSC 2347 Anatomy and Physiology II Module 4 Exam
Harvard University
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Exam (elaborations) BSC 2347 Anatomy and Physiology II Module 4 Exam
- Examen • 17 páginas • 2021
- $9.49
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Exam (elaborations) BSC 2347 Anatomy and Physiology II Module 4 Exam
The circulatory system is response for which of the following functions?
Supply cells with oxygen
Transportation of gases
Rid cells of waste
Prevents loss of blood
All the above
Question 2
2 / 2 pts
The heart is contained in the _______ cavity.
BSC 2347 Anatomy and Physiology II
Module 4 Exam
Question 3
2 / 2 pts
Which layer of heart anchors it to t...
Exam (elaborations) BSC 2347 Anatomy and Physiology II Module 4 Exam
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Exam (elaborations) BSC 2347 Anatomy and Physiology II Module 4 Exam The circulatory system is response for which of the following functions? Supply cells with oxygen Transportation of gases Rid cells of waste Prevents loss of blood Correct! All the above Question 2 2 / 2 pts The heart is contained in the _______ cavity. Correct! Pericardial Pleural Septal Rectoperineal BSC 2347 Anatomy and Physiology II Module 4 Exam Question 3 2 / 2 pts Which layer of heart anchors it to t...
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¿Cuánto te has gastado ya en Stuvia? Imagina que sois muchos más los que estáis ahí fuera pagando por apuntes de estudio, pero esta vez TÚ eres el vendedor. ¡Ka-ching! Descubre todo sobre cómo ganar en Stuvia