CML WS 7 & WS 8 Distribution Agreements and EU & UK Competition Law (TBS876)
Harvard University
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Exam (elaborations) test-bank-for-foundations-and-adult-health-nursing-8th-edition-by-cooper
- Exam (elaborations) • 53 pages • 2021
- $9.59
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Chapter 02: Care of the Surgical Patient 
Cooper: Adult Health Nursing, 8th Edition 
1. The patient who had a nephrectomy yesterday has not used the patient-controlled analgesia 
(PCA) delivery system but admits to being in pain but fearful of addiction. What is the nurse’s 
best response? 
a. “Modern analgesic drugs do not cause addiction.” 
b. “Pain relief is worth a short period of addiction.” 
c. “Addiction rarely occurs in the brief time postsurgical analgesia i...
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