Hesi a2 critical thinking latest update (HESIA2)
Harvard University
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Exam (elaborations) HESI A2 Critical Thinking Latest Update
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2022
- $9.49
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Exam (elaborations) HESI A2 Critical Thinking Latest Update 
. The Patient: A 65-year- old male. 
The Situation: The family brings the patient to the emergency room because he just 
took an entire bottle of pills. 
The Question: What action should the nurse take first? 
Answer – Determine the patient’s level of consciousness. 
2. The Patient: An 80 year-old male who has used continuous oxygen for the past three 
The Situation: While making a home visit, the wife tells the nurse t...
HESI A2 Critical Thinking Latest Update (HESIA2)
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2021
- $8.99
- + learn more
Exam (elaborations) HESI A2 Critical Thinking Latest Update (HESIA2) 
Critical Thinking 
1. The Patient: A 65-year- old male. 
The Situation: The family brings the patient to the emergency room because he just 
took an entire bottle of pills. 
The Question: What action should the nurse take first? 
Answer – Determine the patient’s level of consciousness. 
2. The Patient: An 80 year-old male who has used continuous oxygen for the past three 
The Situation: While making a home visit, ...
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