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[LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION 10] GÁBOR SZABÓ Applying Item Response Theory in Language Test Item Bank Building
- Exam (elaborations) • 197 pages • 2021
- $9.49
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[LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION 10] GÁBOR SZABÓ Applying Item Response Theory in Language Test Item Bank Building 
Table of contents 
Acknowledgements 9 
Introduction 11 
1. Measurement Theory 13 
1.1. General Concerns 13 
1.2. Educational Measurement 15 
1.3. Classical Test Theory 17 
1.3.1. The True Score Model 17 
1.3.2. Reliability 19 
1.3.3. Validity 23 
1.3.4. Traditional Item and Person Statistics 29 
1.3.5. Summary 39 
1.4. Item Response Theory (IRT) 40 
1.4.1. Central Concepts 40 
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