MATH 1280 Practice Milestone UNIT 1 Introduction to Statistics _aHarvard University
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MATH 1280 Practice Milestone UNIT 1 Introduction to Statistics (2020)_aHarvard University
- Exam (elaborations) • 22 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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Which of the following data types will be continuous?


Number of cars produced by a car company in a year


Number of skyscrapers in a city


Number of correct answers on a ten-question true/false test


Weight of a baby whale


For data to be continuous, it means it can take on any value inside of an interval. Since

the weight of a baby whale can take on any numerical value inside of possible ranges of

weights, it is continuous
Exam (elaborations)
MATH 1280 Practice Milestone UNIT 1 Introduction to Statistics (2020)_aHarvard University
Last document update:
Which of the following data types will be continuous? 
Number of cars produced by a car company in a year 
Number of skyscrapers in a city 
Number of correct answers on a ten-question true/false test 
Weight of a baby whale 
For data to be continuous, it means it can take on any value inside of an interval. Since 
the weight of a baby whale can take on any numerical value inside of possible ranges of 
weights, it is continuous
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