NR511 WEEK 4 M. MILLER Patrick Smith 42 YO
Harvard University
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Exam (elaborations) (SOAP NOTE) NR511 WEEK 4 M. MILLER Patrick Smith 42 YO(CC Pain in back and abdomen)
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $9.49
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(SOAP NOTE) NR511 WEEK 4 M. MILLER Patrick Smith 42 YO(CC Pain in back and abdomen) Subjective 
Chief complaint: “I am in a lot of pain in my back and abdomen” 
History of present illness (HPI): 
O: Onset- 5 am 
L: Location—initially pain begin on the side of his back; and now there is also pain in his 
D: Duration-intermittent pain that comes in waves 
C: Characteristics/Associated symptoms- throbbing, feels nauseated, urinary frequency, sweaty, 
pain that and at times shoots dow...
(SOAP NOTE) NR511 WEEK 4 M. MILLER Patrick Smith 42 YO(CC Pain in back and abdomen)
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $8.49
- + learn more
(SOAP NOTE) NR511 WEEK 4 M. MILLER Patrick Smith 42 YO(CC Pain in back and abdomen) 
Chief complaint: “I am in a lot of pain in my back and abdomen” 
History of present illness (HPI): 
O: Onset- 5 am 
L: Location—initially pain begin on the side of his back; and now there is also pain in his 
D: Duration-intermittent pain that comes in waves 
C: Characteristics/Associated symptoms- throbbing, feels nauseated, urinary frequency, sweaty, 
pain that and at times shoots d...
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