NSG 6020 WEEK_7_8_9. (NRO62)
Harvard University
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NSG 6020 - WEEK_7_8_9.
- Summary • 3 pages • 2021
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Running head: NSG 6020 WEEK 9 SOAP RH 1 
NSG 6020 Week 9 SOAP RH 
Constance Mahin 
South University 
Advanced Assessment 
NSG 6020 
Dr. T. Berry 
September 10, 2018 
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NSG 6020 WEEK 9 SOAP RH 2 
NSG 6020 Week 9 SOAP RH 
Name: RH Age: 68 Gender: Female Wgt: 151 (-3) BMI 26.4 
Code Status: FC Pulse: 68 BP: 127/76 O2: 96% RA RR: 18 Temp: Afebrile 
Allergies: PCN and Latex...
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