NUR 6670 Midterm exam
Harvard University
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Exam (elaborations) NUR 6670 Midterm exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 33 pages • 2022
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Exam (elaborations) NUR 6670 Midterm exam
Alexa is a 27-year-old female who has come to group therapy while she is in the city jail. She was arrested for
vagrancy because she was sleeping in her car in a parking lot at a local shopping center. She could not post bail, so
she is sentenced to 14 days in jail. During group, she contributes that none of this is her fault. Her mother is totally
evil because she would not let Alexa stay in the family home. She has some other family. but they a...
Exam (elaborations)
Exam (elaborations) NUR 6670 Midterm exam
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Exam (elaborations) NUR 6670 Midterm exam Alexa is a 27-year-old female who has come to group therapy while she is in the city jail. She was arrested for vagrancy because she was sleeping in her car in a parking lot at a local shopping center. She could not post bail, so she is sentenced to 14 days in jail. During group, she contributes that none of this is her fault. Her mother is totally evil because she would not let Alexa stay in the family home. She has some other family. but they a...
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