NURS 6531 Practicum Experience Journal 1
Harvard University
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Exam (elaborations) NURS 6531 Practicum Experience Journal 1
- Examen • 4 páginas • 2022
- $3.49
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Exam (elaborations) NURS 6531 Practicum Experience Journal 1
Betty Neuman once said that sometimes the line of defense can be penetrated by external
stressors, to which the base is shaken and it can result in illness symptoms; when this occur, the
line of resistance is activated in order to stabilize and therefore return to wellness in a process
called “reconstitution” (Turner & Kaylor, 2015 p.214). I have been a nurse for many years now,
each day I get up and think whose life will...
Exam (elaborations) NURS 6531 Practicum Experience Journal 1
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Exam (elaborations) NURS 6531 Practicum Experience Journal 1 Betty Neuman once said that sometimes the line of defense can be penetrated by external stressors, to which the base is shaken and it can result in illness symptoms; when this occur, the line of resistance is activated in order to stabilize and therefore return to wellness in a process called “reconstitution” (Turner & Kaylor, 2015 p.214). I have been a nurse for many years now, each day I get up and think whose life will...
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