Coppin State University
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Test Bank Of Medical Surgical Nursing Patient Centered Collaborative Care(ALL CORRECT 100%)
- Exam (elaborations) • 26 pages • 2021
- $10.99
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. Which action demonstrates that the nurse understands the purpose of the Rapid Response Team? a. Monitoring the client for changes in postoperative status such as wound infection b. Docum enting all changes observed in the client and maintaining a postoperative flow sheet c. Notifying the physician of the client’s change in blood pressure from 140 to 88 mm Hg systolic d. Notifying the physician of the client’s increase in restlessness after medication change ANS: C The Rapid Response Team (...
Exam (elaborations)
Test Bank Of Medical Surgical Nursing Patient Centered Collaborative Care(ALL CORRECT 100%)
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. Which action demonstrates that the nurse understands the purpose of the Rapid Response Team? a. Monitoring the client for changes in postoperative status such as wound infection b. Docum enting all changes observed in the client and maintaining a postoperative flow sheet c. Notifying the physician of the client’s change in blood pressure from 140 to 88 mm Hg systolic d. Notifying the physician of the client’s increase in restlessness after medication change ANS: C The Rapid Response Team (...
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