NR 599 Informatics Week 1 4 Quiz {2021} – Johns Hopkins University Nursing
Johns Hopkins University School Of Nursing
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NR 599 Informatics Week 1-4 Quiz {2021} – Johns Hopkins University Nursing
- Exam (elaborations) • 21 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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Standardized terminologies (STs) contribute to the development of knowledge because they ensure that all professionals share the same understanding or meaning of a given concept, to clarify communication, facilitate research, and provide structure for decision support tools and EHRs. As you look at the Foundation of Knowledge model, STs support knowledge acquisition, dissemination, generation, and processing.

STs are structured, controlled languages developed to represent concepts in a given do...
Exam (elaborations)
NR 599 Informatics Week 1-4 Quiz {2021} – Johns Hopkins University Nursing
Last document update:
Standardized terminologies (STs) contribute to the development of knowledge because they ensure that all professionals share the same understanding or meaning of a given concept, to clarify communication, facilitate research, and provide structure for decision support tools and EHRs. As you look at the Foundation of Knowledge model, STs support knowledge acquisition, dissemination, generation, and processing. 
STs are structured, controlled languages developed to represent concepts in a given do...
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Did you know that on average a seller on Stuvia earns $82 per month selling study resources? Hmm, hint, hint. Discover all about earning on Stuvia