CMY 3701 ASSIGNMENT 1 2021 (CMY 3701)
Johns Hopkins University
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CMY 3701 ASSIGNMENT 1 2021
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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According to Pamela Black (2016:1) the conflict theories can be traced back to Karl

Marx and in accordance to Karl Marx some of the nations enacted laws which were

criminalising certain behaviours and ways of life that could cause impediments in the

progress of industrialization and this cooperated the utilisation of law as a way of

protecting and further the interests of the capitalist of class. The conflict perspective

contends that the functioning of the state is not to med...
Exam (elaborations)
CMY 3701 ASSIGNMENT 1 2021
Last document update:
According to Pamela Black (2016:1) the conflict theories can be traced back to Karl 
Marx and in accordance to Karl Marx some of the nations enacted laws which were 
criminalising certain behaviours and ways of life that could cause impediments in the 
progress of industrialization and this cooperated the utilisation of law as a way of 
protecting and further the interests of the capitalist of class. The conflict perspective 
contends that the functioning of the state is not to med...
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