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court interpreter written exam-Legal term 2
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 8 pagina's • 2023
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Search and seizure: Emanates from the Fourth Amendment with probable cause 
Ex parte: Benefit of one party w/o notice of adverse party 
Ex/post facto: After the action 事后 
Bona fide: In good faith 善意 only bona fide members of the company are allowed to use the logo. bona fide purchaser 
Corpus delicti: Body of the crime 犯罪事实 I've worked in criminal justice for years, and I always know what should be done when there is a substantial corpus delicti . 

Court Interpreting| 111 terms| verified
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 7 pagina's • 2023
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Indeterminate Sentence correct answer: A sentence of imprisionent to a specified minimum and maimum period of time, specifically authorized by statute, subject to termination by a parole board or other authorized agency after the prisoner has served the minimum term 
Infraction correct answer: A violation of law, not punishable by imprisonment. Minor traffic offenses for example 
Instructions correct answer: A judge's explanation to the jury before it begins deliberations of the question...

Court interpreter Written Exam Version B Section 2 Synonyms in context
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 3 pagina's • 2023
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vainglorious correct answer: smug, conceited, snooty, presumptuous, vain (vanoglorioso, presumido) 
ignoble correct answer: dishonorable, unworthy, base, shameful, contemptible, despicable (innoble) 
valorous correct answer: valiant (valeroso) 
infamous correct answer: notorious, disreputable, legendary, fabled, famed (infame) 
repellent correct answer: revolting, repulsive, disgusting, repugnant, sickening, nauseating (repugnante, repulsivo) 
doleful correct answer: mournful, wo...

Court Interpreter Written Exam updated solutions
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 7 pagina's • 2023
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rap sheet correct answer: Before conveying an offer, a district attorney will first check a defendant's 
formal probation correct answer: A person must report to a probation officer on a regular basis if he or she is on 
recidivist correct answer: a repeat offender is also known as a 
peremptory challenge correct answer: a defense counsel who rejects a potential juror without having to give any reason is making use of a 
writ correct answer: a judicial order directing a person to d...

Court Interpreter Written Exam - complete
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 19 pagina's • 2023
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irascible: bad tempered 
acquiesce: agree or submit (consentir) 
rebuke: reprimand; harsh criticism (reprimenda) 
trepidation: apprehension, anxiety (inquietud) 
insurgent: rebel 
ironic: contradictory, unexpected 
clandestine: secret 
vernacular: native, colloquial 
polarize: divide 
perfunctory: automatic, unthinking, superficial 
infinitesimal: small 
construe: interpret 
heresy: unorthodox opinion 
stringent: s...

Idioms - Court Interpreters Exam| VERIFIED
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 6 pagina's • 2023
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According to Hoyle: By the rules 
following the rules 
Acid test: An acid test is something that proves whether something is good, effective, etc, or not. 
After the fashion: poorly 
All over but the shouting: finished 
As the crows fly: Direct 
At bay: At a distance 
at sixes and sevens: in a state of confusion and disorder 
At the bottom of the hour: at the 1/2 hour (11:30am) 
At arms length: at a dstance 
Caveat emptor: "let the buyer...

Legal terms for Court Interpreter Written Exam (summary) complete solutions
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 5 pagina's • 2023
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demur correct answer: to object 
Default correct answer: fail to do something required to do 
Deponent correct answer: Person giving testimony 
Discovery correct answer: The pretrial procedures used by the parties to obtain information about 
the case from the other parties in order to prepare for trial. (Exchange of evidence) 
Dismiss trial without prejudice correct answer: Without right to a new trial 
Dismiss case with prejudice correct answer: Without a right to a new trial 

- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 21 pagina's • 2023
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irascible CORRECT ANSWER bad tempered 
acquiesce CORRECT ANSWER agree or submit (consentir) 
rebuke CORRECT ANSWER reprimand; harsh criticism (reprimenda) 
trepidation CORRECT ANSWER apprehension, anxiety (inquietud) 
insurgent CORRECT ANSWER rebel 
ironic CORRECT ANSWER contradictory, unexpected 
clandestine CORRECT ANSWER secret 
vernacular CORRECT ANSWER native, colloquial 
polarize CORRECT ANSWER divide 
perfunctory CORRECT ANSWER automatic, unthinking, superficial 

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