Foreign Service Officer
Liberty University
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Foreign Service Officer Qualifications - 13 Dimensions
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2022
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To stay calm, poised, and effective in stressful or difficult situations; to think on one's feet, adjusting quickly to changing situations; to maintain self-control Correct Answer: Composure 
To work and communicate effectively and harmoniously with persons of other cultures, value systems, political beliefs, and economic circumstances; to recognize and respect differeences in new and different cultural environments. Correct Answer: Cultural Adaptability 
To demonstrate knowledge, skills ...

- Exam (elaborations) • 88 pages • 2022
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When was the international red cross founded Correct Answer: 1863 
What year was FDR's court packing scheme Correct Answer: 1937 
the largest denomination of US money ever created Correct Answer: 100,000 in 1934 
Profits dwindled, businesses went bankrupt & slid into debt. Caused loss of business confidence. 20% of the workforce unemployed. Let to the Pullman strike Correct Answer: 1893 Depression 
Gold Standard abandoned & turn to silver Correct Answer: 1933 (FDR) 
An American p...

Foreign Service Officer Test (Job Knowledge) QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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The architect Maya Lin is known for designing the Correct Answer: Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington DC 
The Freedom of Information Act, enacted by Congress in 1966, was expanded in 1996 to encompass Correct Answer: electronic records 
The Council of Economic Advisers advises which of the following on monetary and fiscal policy? Correct Answer: The President of the United States 
After a 3 percent raise and a $3,000 bonus, a worker's salary increased to $50,000. What was the worker...

Foreign Service Officer Test - World Affairs| 585 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 59 pages • 2022
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"Let one hundred flowers bloom" Correct Answer: Chairman Mao Zedong's "Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend". This slogan was used during the period of approximately six weeks in the summer of 1957 when the Chinese intelligentsia were invited to criticize the political system then obtaining in Communist China. It is sometimes suggested that the initiative was a deliberate attempt to flush out dissidents by encouraging them to show themselves as critical of ...

Foreign Service Officer Test – Management| 901 QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 59 pages • 2022
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10Â roles involved in mgmt Correct Answer: interpersonal (figurehead, leader, liaison), informational (monitor, desseminator, spokesperson), decisional (entrepreneur, distrubance handler, resource-allocator, negotiator) 
3 levels of mgmt Correct Answer: top (upper) - president, chief executive; middle - district manger, base commander; first-line (lower-level, front-line, supervisory) - foreman, head nurse 
3 phases of decision-making Correct Answer: intelligence (gathering knowledge lea...

Foreign Service Officer Test – Communications| 572 QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 37 pages • 2022
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SIB? Correct Answer: Single idea bullet. 
"I" language Correct Answer: language that describes the speakers position without evaluating others 
"you" language Correct Answer: language that judges another person increasing the likely hood of a defensive reaction 
3 self Correct Answer: material, social, spiritual, cyber? 
4 major functions of feedforward? Correct Answer: open the channels of communication, preview the message, altercast and disdain 
4 steps to maintaining a hea...

Foreign Service Officer Test - US Government| 1045 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 95 pages • 2022
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10th Ammendment of the US Constitution? Correct Answer: Powers of states and people. Anything not in the constitution is left to the states. 
11th amendment "immunity"? Correct Answer: Generally, a state is immune from suit by an individual. However, a state can consent to be sued, or Congress can abrogate a state's immunity, as long as it is within Congress' authority to do so (i.e. constitutional authority). 
11th Ammendment of the US Constitution? Correct Answer: (1795): Clarifies ...

Foreign Service Officer Test – Economics| 559 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 39 pages • 2022
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_______ are the two macro factors that seem to underlie the trend toward greater globalization. Correct Answer: The decline in barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital Technological change 
_______ theory of international trade suggests that the production of products is likely to switch from advanced countries to developing countries over time. Correct Answer: Product life-cycle 
3 core Classical Trade Theories? Correct Answer: Absolute advantage (natural and acquired) C...

Foreign Service Officer Test - Geography – Edited| 362 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 21 pages • 2022
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absolute location Correct Answer: exact location of a place on the earth described by global coordinates 
Adriatic Sea Correct Answer: Sea between Italy and Balkans 
Aegean sea Correct Answer: Sea between Greece and Turkey 
Approx. how many people live in Asia? Correct Answer: 4.46 billion. 
Approx. how many people live in South America? Correct Answer: 423 Million. 
Approx. how many people live in the E.U.? Correct Answer: 508 Million. 
Arabian Sea Correct Answer: Part of the...

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