HLTH 501 Intro to Nursing
Liberty University
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HLTH 501 Intro to Nursing Exam 3 Answered.
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2024
- $14.49
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Intro to Nursing Exam 3 1. The purpose of infection control is to prevent the spread of infections and pathogens. a. True b. False True 2. Medical records are legal documents that can be used as evidence in court. a. Tr ue b. Fa ls e Tr ue 3. Medical charting should be done in pencil because mistakes can be more easily and neatly corrected. a. Tr ue b. Fa ls e Fa ls e 4. Incomplete documentation can result in denial of payment to health providers by insurance companies. a. Tr ue b. Fa ls e Tr ue...
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