Milady Esthetics State Board
Liberty University
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esthetics state board review TN!! 197 QUESTIONS!! WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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what term refers to the ability to produce an effect correct answer: efficacy 
what term indicates that a product is capable of destroying bacteria correct answer: bactericidal 
resistance to a disease that is partly inherited and partly developed through healthy living correct answer: natural immunity 
what is porous correct answer: made or constructed of a material that has openings 
what are bacilli correct answer: short rod shaped bacteria 
what is scabbies correct answer: co...

Esthetician State Board Review!! 196 QUESTIONS!! WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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What is scleroderma? correct answer: an autoimmune disease that causes the thickening and tightening of the skin 
What makes up pliability of the skin? correct answer: elastin 
What is oily skin a contraindication for? correct answer: Waxing 
What is the appendage of the hair follicles that, when it contracts cause goosebumps? correct answer: Arrector Pilli Muscle 
What is the term for very fine, soft, downy hair? correct answer: Vellus Hair 
What is the hair growth phase and is t...

Esthetician State Board Review| 200 QUESTIONS| 29 PAGES| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 29 pages • 2023
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- $12.49
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One of the biggest challenges clients face when purchasing cosmetics is 
-Finding the right color product 
-Finding the allergy-free options 
-Finding products that have not been tested on animals 
-Finding products that are high quality correct answer: Finding the right color product 
How many individual lashes should be applied across the lash line, when performing the service of applying artificial lashes? 
1 to 2 
2 to 3 
3 to 4 
5 to 6 correct answer: 5 to 6 
When performing the...

State Board written exam for esthetics| 100 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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Ingredients in products must be listed on packaging in what order? CORRECT ANSWERS: Most to least 
If a client has red blotches on their face, what herbs would be recommended for them to use? CORRECT ANSWERS: Aloe, rose, ylang-ylang, chamomile,lavender,jasmine, &rheostat 
What regulate the strength of an electric current being used? CORRECT ANSWERS: Rheostat 
What measures the acidity or alkalinity of a subtance? CORRECT ANSWERS: PH scale 
What holds a water and oil mixture together?...

Esthetician Licensing and Regulation questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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- $6.49
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Where should you put your license? CORRECT ANSWERS: At the work place or in wallet. 
When can TDLR inspect beauty shop? CORRECT ANSWERS: Anytime during working business hours. 
What should you put in the reception area? CORRECT ANSWERS: License of the shop 
Before doing a facial, what do you need to do? CORRECT ANSWERS: Client consultation 
What is the first step of draping hair? CORRECT ANSWERS: Place towel on the headrest. 
What is the basic first step of facial? CORRECT ANSWER...

- Exam (elaborations) • 1 pages • 2023
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- $3.49
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Name some of the materials that ancient people used as color pigments in cosmetics CORRECT ANSWERS: Kohl, berries, tree bark, minerals, insects, nuts, herbs, leaves 
The word "cosmetics" comes from what language, and what does it mean? CORRECT ANSWERS: The Greek word "kosmetikos" meaning "skilled in the use of cosmetics" 
Describe additional opportunities for estheticians and the specialties that they may pursue CORRECT ANSWERS: Salon or day spa esthetician, medical aesthetician, ma...

State Board Esthetics Practice Exam| 537 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 33 pages • 2023
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- $13.99
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What beverage can cause dehydrated skin? CORRECT ANSWERS: Coffee 
Why are the acid mantle and barrier function not as healthy in dry skin? CORRECT ANSWERS: Lack of lipids 
What can cause skin conditions? CORRECT ANSWERS: Both internal and external factors 
What skin type is indicated by larger, visible follicles over most of the face? CORRECT ANSWERS: Oily 
What type of skin is characterized by fragile, thin skin and redness? CORRECT ANSWERS: Sensitive 
What statement about Fitzpa...

State board practice- Esthetician Test| 110 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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- $8.49
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what layer is above the stratum lucidum CORRECT ANSWERS: the stratum corneum 
Where do you start and end the cleansing process? CORRECT ANSWERS: Start at neck/end of temple 
what causes hyperpigmentation? CORRECT ANSWERS: Peels,sun exposure 
what is the distance between 2 eyes? CORRECT ANSWERS: 1 eye 
If ph 7 is neutral, and you have a ph of 9,how many times more alkaline is it? CORRECT ANSWERS: 100 times 
Distilled water has a ph of? CORRECT ANSWERS: 7.0 
Disease causing bacte...

Esthetics state board practice test| 85 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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- $8.49
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What determines the effectiveness of a skin peel: CORRECT ANSWERS: PH lower than the skin 
What is the risk of overusing a phenolic disinfectant: CORRECT ANSWERS: skin damage 
What is the disciplinary action the board can take against someone who practices beauty culture without a license: CORRECT ANSWERS: Class C in fraction, up to 60 days in jail, fines up to $500 
The tiny granules of pigment found in the cortex of the follicle is called: CORRECT ANSWERS: Melanin 
Ascorbic acid, a...

2023 Esthetics State Board Practice| 300 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
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What type of one-celled micro-organisms are sometimes called: CORRECT ANSWERS: Germs, Bacteria, and Microbes 
Bacteria that are harmless and can even be beneficial are called: CORRECT ANSWERS: Non-Pathogenic 
A communicable disease refers to a disease that is: CORRECT ANSWERS: Spread from person to person 
Strep throat, staph infection, and impetigo are examples of: CORRECT ANSWERS: Contagious Diseases 
What are produced by the immune system to either destroy, kill, or inactivate pat...

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