NSBT 520
Liberty University
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NSBT 520 Exam 2 - Question and Answers (100/100)
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2022
- $19.99
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NBST 520 Exam 2 Summer 2020 LUO 
100 out of 100 points 
1. According to Elwell, Paul’s belief in a personal, powerful, malevolent being (the Devil or Satan), as well as his subservient underlings, both human and angelic, is an important feature of his outlook. 
2. According to the presentations, the churches Paul established typically met in large buildings constructed for that purpose, similar to the way churches meet today. 
3. In Lystra (Acts 14), Paul and Barnabas were confused with the...

NSBT 520 Exam 1 LUO - Question and Answers (100/100)
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
- $19.99
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NBST 520 Exam 1 LUO 
1, According to Elwell, the word “simony,” named for Simon the Sorcerer, is the term used for the practice of buying or selling church office or privilege. 
2. According to Elwell, Rome generally pursued a benevolent approach to governing people whom it ruled, allowing as much local control as possible. 
3. According to Elwell, which of the following was not one of the outcomes of Pentecost, described in Acts 2:42-47, on the common life of the early believers? 
4. Acco...

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