rcp 180
Liberty University
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- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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resp. failure correct answer: inability to maintain a normal delivery of 02 to the tissues or removal of CO2 from the tissues 
resp. failure values correct answer: pao2 less than 60 
paco2 greater than 50 
hypoventilation values correct answer: pco2 80mmhg 
paco2 40mmhg 
hyperventilation values correct answer: pc02 20mmhg 
p02 115 mmhg 
critical PH correct answer: less than 7.25 
critical pc02 correct answer: greater than 55mmhg 
critical pa02 correct answer: 70 mmhg on more t...
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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Done bedside correct answer: Spirometry 
Small airways obstruction correct answer: Spirometry 
FET correct answer: Spirometry 
MVV correct answer: Spirometry 
FEF max correct answer: Spirometry 
FEV1/ FVC correct answer: Spirometry 
gold standard for obstruction detection correct answer: Spirometry 
time volume chart correct answer: Spirometry 
PIF correct answer: Spirometry 
PEF correct answer: Spirometry 
12% increase in FEV1 and 200 ml correct answer: Spirometry...
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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After you diagnose a patient with obstructive disorder, which value do you look at to classify the severity? correct answer: FEV1 
What are 4 factors that are calculated to make up predicted values correct answer: 1. height 
2. weight 
3. gender 
4. ethnicity 
Based upon bedside spirometry what is the most likely diagnosis? 
FEV1: 1.5 l pred 4.1 L 
FVC: 2.8 L preed 4.7L 
FEF 25-75% actual 1.9 pred 2.0 correct answer: Emphysema 
Volume of air breathed in or out during quiet respiration...
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
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The primary function of a mechanical ventilator is to: correct answer: augment or replace normal ventilation 
respiratory care plans in the ICU correct answer: all of the above 
Which of the following types of specialty hospitals provide high levels of care to patients requiring hip surgery? correct answer: orthopedics 
The single best index of alveolar ventilation in the clinical setting is measurement of: correct answer: Arterial PCO2 
Patients with hypoxemia due to significant cap...
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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What is a normal FEV1 in a normal healthy adult? This is an exact statistical percentage value. correct answer: - 83% 
What shape of the flow-volume loop is typical for the patient with a fixed upper airway obstruction? correct answer: -Box shaped 
Which volumes or capacities cannot be measured by simple Spirometry? correct answer: (FRC, TLC, RV) Exam FRC and RV 
When an SVC is significantly larger than a FVC, what does this indicate? correct answer: An Obstruction is present 
What i...
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RCP 180 EXAM 1|| 118 questions|| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
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what can cause metabolic acidosis? correct answer: ingestion of acids 
* trach loos of hydrogen ions 
*increased fixed acid production 
* decrease rental excerions of acids 
what can cause metabolic alkalosis correct answer: gastrointestinal tract loss of hydrogen ions 
* intracellular shift of hydrogen ions 
* contraction of blood volume 
* administration of base 
what can cause respiratory acidosis correct answer: increased work of breathing 
* decrease ventilation/ respiratory dri...
rcp 180 final exam|| 193 questions|| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
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The bulk movement of air into and out of the lungs is defined as: correct answer: ventilation 
The most common reason for initiating mechanical ventilatory support: correct answer: respiratory failure 
An inability of the heart and lungs to provide adequate tissue oxygenation and/or carbon dioxide removal can be defined as: correct answer: Respiratory failure 
The pressure measured during an inspiratory hold maneuver, typically one second or less in duration is the: correct answer: pla...
RCP 180 study guide questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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1. Results of a MCT, when should we stop? correct answer: 20% decrease in the doses given 
What limitations? (2) correct answer: Both cardiac and ventilatory limitations 
Whats the diagnosis based on the PFT?(3) correct answer: Restriction with no diffusion problem 
Raw and SGaw are excellent inidcatiors of a restrictive disorder? correct answer: False 
Raw is usually a better indicator of Obstructive disorder than SGaw? correct answer: False 
The maximal amount of additional air ...
RCP 180: Test 1 questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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VD/VT correct answer: physiologic deadspace/tidal volume 
respiratory failure alt correct answer: abnormality of one or more aspect of resp. function of a suffient degree to threaten the life of the idividual 
hypoventilation correct answer: PCO2: 80mmhg 
PO2: 40mmhg 
normal ventilaion correct answer: PCO2: 40mmhg 
PO2: 90mmhg 
hyperventilation correct answer: PCO2: 20 mug 
PO2: 115mmhg 
respiratory failure correct answer: inability to maintain either normal...
rcp 180 Exam 3 questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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Early mobilization of patients on vent can decrease what correct answer: Decrease ICU acquired weakness 
Single best indicator of alveolar ventilation correct answer: is a measurement of Arterial pco2 
When C02 rises by ten, pH will decrease by . . correct answer: 0.08 
It is important that patients on a ventilator receive appropriate management of . correct answer: appropriate pain management and sedation 
Know what happens to pH when C02 and Hc03 change. correct answer: respirator...
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