Drug and Wellness
Montgomery College
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This essay talks about the alcohol composition, the effect alcohol has on the body like the nervous system, diseases alcohol can lead to such as cirrhosis and so forth.
Assignment question: Did you know the body has its very own system of pain management and suppression, complete with substances that act like narcotics?

Drug and Wellness: ADD/ADHD
- Summary • 1 pages • 2022
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Assignment questions: What are the negative side effects of ritalin use for someone who does not need it for ADD or ADHD? 
What do you think the punishment should be for those who sell ritalin to others?
The assignment explains ways to prevent the youth from using drugs and provide informative websites for ways to say no to drugs.
The assignment was to talk about drug usage in America and how pharmaceutical companies are to blame.
Assignment was to explain if one knew that herbal remedies were not FDA approved.

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