HRM 530 Learning Activity Deve
Strayer University
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HRM 530 Week 6 Assignment 1 Learning Activity Developing An Employee Training Session
- Dissertation • 5 pages • 2023
- $5.49
- + en savoir plus
Imagine you are a new employee in an HR department. Your first task is to develop a plan for an employee training session on stress management.

Identify specific, relevant topics that should be covered during the training session, with justification.

Describe proven methods of tracking employee attendance and dealing with employees who do not attend or participate in mandatory training.

Develop detailed criteria to assist in selecting a vendor to use for the stress management training session...
HRM 530 Week 6 Assignment 1 Learning Activity Developing An Employee Training Session
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de cela
Imagine you are a new employee in an HR department. Your first task is to develop a plan for an employee training session on stress management. 
Identify specific, relevant topics that should be covered during the training session, with justification. 
Describe proven methods of tracking employee attendance and dealing with employees who do not attend or participate in mandatory training. 
Develop detailed criteria to assist in selecting a vendor to use for the stress management training session...
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Saviez-vous qu'un vendeur sur Stuvia gagne en moyenne 76 € par mois en vendant des ressources d'étude ? Hum, c'est peut-être un indice. Découvrez tout sur gagner de l'argent sur Stuvia