The Uniformed Services University Of The Health Sciences
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ECON ECON-411 Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies Paul Belleáamme and Martin Peitz published by Cambridge University Press Part IV. Pricing strategies and market segmentation Exercises
- Exam (elaborations) • 22 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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xercise 1 Geographical pricing [included in 2nd edition of the book] 
"Purple Dream"has the monopoly on the production of purple light-emitting 
diodes (LEDs). It faces geographically separated markets, market 1 and 2. The 
demands are qA = 1 pA and qB = 1=2 pB, respectively. The transport and 
production costs are set to zero. 
1. Assume that the Örm chooses to set a uniform price across the two markets. 
What is the proÖt maximizing uniform price? What are the quantities sold 
on the two...
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