ANTH 201 04 90 (ANTH)
Bay De Noc Community College
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Introduction to Anthropology: Species and Fossils Essay
- Essay • 2 pages • 2024
- $7.49
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Species and Fossils AssignmentSpecies and Fossils Assignment 
Go to this website and explore it's materials about human fossils. Do all three areas, starting at the "Human Fossils"section, and work your way down through the interactive to examine the specifics and each of the fossils. As you do this, write a reflective paper on what you learned about these different species. Explain what you all looked at (literally tell the teacher what specifically you saw and what you thought abou...
Introduction to Anthropology: Moral Behavior in Animals
- Essay • 2 pages • 2024
- $7.59
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What happens when two monkeys are paid unequally? Fairness, reciprocity, empathy, cooperation -- caring about the well-being of others seems like a very human trait. But Frans de Waal shares some surprising videos of behavioral tests, on primates and other mammals, that show how many of these moral traits all of us share. 
Answer the following questions in a Word document and submit your answers to TurnItIn. You may use the transcript of the video in answering these questions but do not copy a...
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