NRS 308 (NRS 308)

Oakland University

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                   NRS 308 NCLEX- Uworld _LATEST,100% CORRECT
  • NRS 308 NCLEX- Uworld _LATEST,100% CORRECT

  • Examen • 149 páginas • 2021
  • Abuse (Alcoholism) • Every psych patient is first and foremost a med-surg client • Perform med-surg eval before psych eval • All intoxicated clients should be given IV thiamine before (or with) IV glucose to prevent Wernicke encephalopathy Psychological Problems • #1 Denial (anger, bargaining, depression, loss) o Alcoholism – confront and try to stop o Grief and Loss – support and allow to continue • #2 Dependency/Co-dependency o Nature of act is harmless o Dependent –...
  • paulhans
  • $18.49
  • + aprende más y mejor