Capella University
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Sophia-Business Law-Touchstone-AC - Updated
- Other • 4 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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Sophia-Business Law-Touchstone-AC - Updated Elements of a Legal Contract Addison Clark BUS3021: Business Law Capella University September 30, 2020 Elements of a Legal Contract Question 1 A legal contract is an agreement between two parties that can be enforced by law. The script shows a discussion between Laura and Jim and Stan from the car salesman. A valid legal contract includes the following elements. For a contract to be legally binding it must contain four essential elements: 1. an offer (...

Sophia-Business Law-Touchstone-AC - Updated
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
- $12.99
- 1x sold
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Sophia-Business Law-Touchstone-AC - Updated 
		Elements of a Legal Contract 
Addison Clark 
BUS3021: Business Law 
Capella University 
September 30, 2020 
Elements of a Legal Contract 
Question 1 
A legal contract is an agreement between two parties that can be enforced by law. The script shows a discussion between Laura and Jim and Stan from the car salesman. A valid legal contract includes the following elements. 
For a contract to be legally binding it must contain...

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