PSY 7864
Capella University
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PSY-7864 T-Test Application and Interpretation|Latest Update with complete solution
PSY7864 Week 6 Assignment_T-Test Application complete solutions
PSY7864 Quantitative Design and Analysis Latest upload 2021 solutions

PSY 7864-PSY7864 Unit 8 Assignment 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
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PSY 7864-PSY7864 Unit 8 Assignment 1 
Independent t Test 
Within statistics there are multiple resources in which are used to better understand the 
data given. Some of these resources include, histograms, descriptive statistics, Shapiro-Wilk test, 
and the Levene test. Each different data collector is used in order to provide statistical data in 
different forms in order to see different aspects. Seeing each form in different aspects allows for 
more data to be recorded ...

PSY 7864-PSY7864 Unit 10 Assignment
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
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PSY 7864-PSY7864 Unit 10 Assignment 
One-Way ANOVA Test 
In the field of statistics there are many tests performed in order to analyze different data 
sets. Each test is designed to interpret information given differently for in order to analyze 
different aspects of the data set. An ANOVA is one test that is commonly used in the field of 
statistics. The ANOVA tests according to Warner (2013) an ANOVA is used to identify part of the 
individual score that is within the g...

PSY 7864-PSY7864 Unit 6 Assignment 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2021
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PSY 7864-PSY7864 Unit 6 Assignment 1 
Running Head: UNIT 6 ASSIGNMENT 1 
Unit 6 Assignment 1 
Correlation is as easy as understanding that one thing may be an association with 
another, as it’s measured to analyze how precisely two variables relate. Through 
correlation a strong or weak relationship between variable can be seen (Warner el at, 
2013). For this Unit’s assignment, a dataset will be analyzed to the assumptions of 
correlation for GPA and Final, as providing s...

PSY 7864-PSY7864 Week 6 Assignment_T-Test Application
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2021
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PSY 7864-PSY7864 Week 6 Assignment_T-Test Application 
 For this assignment, the data file ‘’ was utilized to measure the difference 
between two data populations and their corresponding means. The two variables applied are 
gender and GPA. The analysis and application of the t-test seek to determine if there is a 
significant difference between the means of these two variables: gender and GPA. To effectively 
utilize the t-test, this pap...

PSY 7864-PSY7864 Unit 10 Assignment 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
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PSY 7864-PSY7864 Unit 10 Assignment 1 
One-Way ANOVA Test 
In the field of statistics there are many tests performed in order to analyze different data 
sets. Each test is designed to interpret information given differently for in order to analyze 
different aspects of the data set. An ANOVA is one test that is commonly used in the field of 
statistics. The ANOVA tests according to Warner (2013) an ANOVA is used to identify part of the 
individual score that is within the...

PSY 7864-one-way ANOVA assess 4.1
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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PSY 7864-one-way ANOVA assess 4.1 
The purpose of this paper is to apply SPSS procedures to check assumptions and 
calculate the one-way ANOVA that generates the relevant output for the data set 
provided. This paper will provide the context of the data set and the relevant variables 
and scales of measurement. It will also, evaluate the assumptions of the one-way 
ANOVA. This paper will provide a research question, null hypothesis, alternative 
hypothesis, and alpha lev...

PSY 7864-PSY7864 Unit 10 DAA One Way ANOVA Hall Nikita
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2021
- $8.99
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PSY 7864-PSY7864 Unit 10 DAA One Way ANOVA Hall Nikita 
Data Analysis and Application (DAA): One-Way ANOVA 2 
Data Analysis and Application (DAA): One-Way ANOVA 
For this assignment, the data file ‘’ was used. The variables utilized were 
section and quiz3. Section and quiz3 were used in histogram scales, along with skewness and 
kurtosis. A null and alternative hypothesis will be provided in this assignment, as well as alpha 
level, and interpretation of results for the one-way ANOVA. 

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