Unit 1: Identify Variable Types and Values (MA 320-8B 320-8B)

Herzing University

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Unit 1: Identify Variable Types and Values Dr. Jardines Statistics Herzing University
  • Unit 1: Identify Variable Types and Values Dr. Jardines Statistics Herzing University

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 4 pagina's • 2022
  • Unit 1: Identify Variable Types and Values Dr. Jardines Statistics Herzing University Variable Types and Values Looking over the information in the Heart Rate Dataset in excel, I was able to evaluate and identify all the different variables. The three variables used are: 1. Sex (Male/Female) - Qualitative 2. Resting heart rate – Quantitative continuous 3. Heart rate after exercise – Quantitative continuous For the variable Sex, or female/male, this is recorded a...
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