Rasmussen College
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2020/2021 HESI OB/MATERNITY V1, V2 and Maternity Practice HESI 7 year old diabetes I
- Exam (elaborations) • 153 pages • 2021
- $17.99
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2020/2021 HESI OB/MATERNITY V1, V2 
and Maternity Practice HESI 7 year old diabetes I 
1. A 3-day postpartum client, who is not immune to rubella, is to receive the vaccine at discharge. Which of the following must the nurse include in her discharge teaching regarding the vaccine? 
1.	The woman should not become pregnant for at least 4 weeks. 
2.	The woman should pump and dump her breast milk for 1 week. 
3.	The mother must wear a surgical mask when she cares for the baby. 
4.	Passive antibodi...
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2021
- $10.49
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A primipara has delivered a stillborn fetus at 30-weeks’ gestation. To assess the 
What is the priority nursing assessment immediately following the birth of an
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