PN138/PRN1356 Section P Basic Pharmacology Residential And Online 2020 LATEST Module E 11 Final Exam
Rasmussen College
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PN138/PRN1356 Section P Basic Pharmacology - Residential and Online
- Exam (elaborations) • 33 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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PN138/PRN1356 Section P Basic Pharmacology - Residential and Online 
Answer the following question by supplying the interpretation of the medical abbreviation: q4h 
Answer:	every 4 hours 
every 4 hours 
4 times an hour 4 times a day 
every 4 hours while awake 
•	Question 2 
0.7 out of 0.7 points 
For clients receiving immunosuppressants, the priority goal of nursing care is: 
Answer:	Prevention of infection. 
Answers:	Compliance with therapy. 
Assessing cli...
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