Real Estate Express
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How does subdividing differ from real estate development? - correct answerA developer constructs improvements to the land; a subdivider separates it into smaller units. 
If a licensee acts as an independent contractor, then - correct answerhe controls his own working hours. 
When two or more parties are bound to act as described in the contract, this is referred to as a: - correct answerbilateral contract 
A type of value estimate approach, in which value equals the estimated land value pl...
At least that goes month to month is known as - correct answeran state from period to period 
Madison Davidson negotiate it for a $30,000 loan with $200 monthly payments, plus 9% interest. in this case what is the monthly interest in the first month - correct answer$225 
 1st you take $30000 in multiply it by 9% for the total annual interest paid or $2700. Divide that by 12 months for the total of $225 per month entries payment 
Typically a listing broker is usually considered to be? - corre...
Advisory service provider - correct answerBroker works on projects in exchange for a fee salary or retainer. Comps, database search, prospect screening, site analysis. 
Real estate activities - correct answerCreate, improve, manage, maintain, demolished, on, regulate, transfer real properties 
Forms of specialization - correct answerBuy property type, geography, type of transaction, type of client, form of business, form of client relationship 
Professional organizations - correct answerPr...
A violation of a Commission rule is 
-subject to a reprimand for an initial offense. 
also considered a civil offense and subject to similar disciplinary action. 
-considered breaking the law and requires a hearing before the judicial board. 
-considered the same as violating the license law itself. - correct answerconsidered the same as violating the license law itself. 
In the event of a Commission vacancy 
-the governor appoints a new member. 
-the remaining members elect a replacement ...
Is it permissible to advertise real estate associated services or products in California without a California real estate license? - correct answerYes, as long as the products or services do not include any actions for which a California real estate license is required. 
Which regulation or section(s) apply to the use of the Internet for advertising in California? - correct answerCommission's Regulation 2770-- sets forth regulations regarding both advertising and doing real estate business ov...
Easements can be terminated by: - correct answer1. The purpose of the easement no longer exists. (a new road is built, etc.) 
2. The holder of the easement abandons it for the statutory time period. 
3. A merger of the properties occurs so an easement is not needed. 
4. Destruction of the property or the easement (such as being at the bottom of a new dam filled with water.) 
5. The owner of the easement issues a Quit Claim deed back to the property owner that granted the easement. 
6. Excessive ...
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