med surg (Med-Surg)
St Louis Community College: Florissant Valley
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Medical Surgical Nursing Chapter 3_Exam 1_ 2021/2022 - Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2021
- $12.99
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Med Surge Chapter 3_Exam 1_ 2021/2022 - Grade A - School Graded University of South Carolina 
The nurse uses a diagram to demonstrate how in dehydration the water is drawn into the 
plasma from the cells by which process? 
a.	Distillation 
b.	Diffusion 
c.	Filtration 
d.	Osmosis 
d. Osmosis 
The nurse assessing a patient with vomiting and diarrhea observes that the urine is scant 
and concentrated. Which controlling factor is responsible for compensatory reabsorption of water? 
a.	Osmorece...
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