NUR Health Assesment and Diagnosis
Cleveland Community College
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NUR Health Assessment & Diagnosis Study Guide-NUR DIAGNOSIS for 2021-2022(LATEST)for A+ Grades
- Other • 27 pages • 2021
- $13.99
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NUR Health Assessment & Diagnosis Study Guide-NUR DIAGNOSIS for 2021-2022(LATEST)for A+ Grades

Position ordinarily held when locomotion ceases but distinct from positions of rest, feeding or other incidental poses • Posture is dynamic (we can have an impact on it) • Inputs that influence posture o Vestibulocochlear system (inner ear ▪ Two systems • Cochlear (hearing) • Vestibular-Our awareness of Head orientation with respect to gravity and the head changes in velocity and Direction...
NUR Health Assessment & Diagnosis Study Guide-NUR DIAGNOSIS for 2021-2022(LATEST)for A+ Grades
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NUR Health Assessment & Diagnosis Study Guide-NUR DIAGNOSIS for 2021-2022(LATEST)for A+ Grades 
Position ordinarily held when locomotion ceases but distinct from positions of rest, feeding or other incidental poses • Posture is dynamic (we can have an impact on it) • Inputs that influence posture o Vestibulocochlear system (inner ear ▪ Two systems • Cochlear (hearing) • Vestibular-Our awareness of Head orientation with respect to gravity and the head changes in velocity and Direction...
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