MGMT 404 Project Management (MGMT404PROJECTMANAGEME (MGMT404)
Devry University
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MGMT 404 Week 8 Course Project Part 4 (Sections G and Compilation of Sections A through G) The Getta Byte - New Billing System Project Devry
- Other • 27 pages • 2023
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The Getta Bill Software is a software that will help improve over our current software in more ways than one. We plan on utilizing this new software to replace the manual entities that we are currently doing with an automated system. Along with the system being automated we hope that it will bring a more accurate, easy, and faster data entry system. This new system will be an online system that will improve accuracy and have a potential 25% savings in labor costs each month. With a...

MGMT 404 Week 8 COURSE PROJECT The Getta Byte - New Billing System Project (May Submission)
- Other • 23 pages • 2023
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- $19.99
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The Getta Byte Software gave great insight on a god project charter. Theircurrentmanualsystemhasafewchallengessuchasinaccuraciesintheirdataentriesaswellasbeingtime-consuming.Inaccuratedatacanputthecompanyatgreatriskandtherefore,thiscurrentmanualsystemmustbereplaced.GettaByteSoftwareProject'smainmissionandgoalaretoreplaceits currentmanualbillingsystemwithanonlinesoftware systemthat willenableamoreaccurate,easy,andfastdataentrysystem.Thisupgradeinonlinesoftwarewill enhancetheir dataentry,conceive...

MGMT 404 Week 7 Discussion Agile Methodology vs. Traditional Methodology Devry
- Other • 3 pages • 2023
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Review this week's lesson and Appendix B. What are a few ways in which the agile methodology differs from the traditional methodology? What are a few ways in which the two methodologies are similar?

MGMT 404 Week 7 Quiz Devry
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
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1.	Question: Theriskregisterisalivingdocumentandnewriskscanbeaddedastheyarediscovered. 
2.	Question: Onceriskshavebeenidentifiedandanalyzed,theprojectteamdecideshowtheywillhandleeachrisk. 
3.	Question: WhichofthefollowingdescribestheactivitiesappropriatelyperformedbytheprojectteamduringPerformQualitativeRiskAnalysis? 
4.	Question: PlanRiskResponsesistheprocessofdevelopingoptionstoenhanceopportunitiesandreduce threatsforeveryriskthat hasbeen identified. 
5.	Question: Allofthefollowingareamongthec...

MGMT 404 Week 7 Video Question Devry
- Other • 3 pages • 2023
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- $14.99
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1.	Question:Agile monitoring tools and techniques include which of the following 
2.	Question:The process for organizing daily standup meetings includes which of the following 
3.	Question:The objectives of daily standup meetings are short and simple discussions on

MGMT 404 Week 6 Course Project Part 3 (Includes Sections E and F) The Getta Byte - New Billing System Project (Version 1) Devry
- Other • 22 pages • 2023
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Getta Bill Software will be replacing the current billing system with a cloud-based systemthat is accurate and easy to use that reduces billing errors by 15%. The goal is to have ease ofuse software and to improve the transaction speed by 30%, while also implementing dynamicreporting.ThegoalistocompletethedevelopmentoftheprojectbyAugust15,migratecustomerdata to cloud by August 25, have the first pilot completed by September 1, and implementing thesoftware by September 10. With th...

MGMT 404 Week 6 Course Project Part 3 (Includes Sections E and F) The Getta Byte - New Billing System Project (Version 2) Devry
- Other • 27 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $17.99
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The Getta Bill Software is a software that will help improve over our current software in more ways than one. We plan on utilizing this new software to replace the manual entities that we are currently doing with an automated system. Along with the system being automated we hope that it will bring a more accurate, easy, and faster data entry system. This new system will be an online system that will improve accuracy and have a potential 25% savings in labor costs each month. With a...

MGMT 404 Week 6 Course Project Part 3 (Sections E and F) - Getta Byte Software Project (Version 3) Devry
- Other • 18 pages • 2023
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- $17.99
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1.1	Projectgoalsandobjectives 
The Getta Byte Software project is a mission that is formed with the main goal in mind ofsubstitutingtheon-goingmanualonline-basedbillingsystemthatwillenableaconcise,easy,andfast data entry system. It is worth noting that the existing system has the capability of helping thecompany to carry out the duties in daily operations. This is quite fine, but there are a fewchallenges that call for an online system. The first concern is that the existing sy...

MGMT 404 Week 6 Discussion Risk Management Devry
- Other • 3 pages • 2023
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- $17.99
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What processes or steps are involved in the creation of a risk register?

MGMT 404 Week 6 Quiz; Chapters 11 and 12 Devry
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
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- $17.99
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1.	Question:In some cases, project teams will elect to reduce a threat to a level that asponsor and other stakeholders deem acceptable, rather than eliminate itcompletely. 
2.	Question:The purposeofprocesscontrolistobeabletohaveconfidence thatoutputs arepredictable. 
3.	Question:WhichofthefollowingdescribestheactivitiesappropriatelyperformedbytheprojectteamduringPerformQualitativeRiskAnalysis? 
4.	Question:DMAICistypically used asamethodofimplementingcontinuousimprovementandcanthusbepracticedrep...

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