NR 228 Week 1 Exam 1 (NR 228)

Devry University

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NR 228 Exam 1, latest 2021 complete solutions.
  • NR 228 Exam 1, latest 2021 complete solutions.

  • Prüfung • 12 Seiten • 2021
  • NR 228 Exam 1 1. Which principle of health diet suggest selecting a wide range of foods as represented by the USDA’s MyPlate food plan? 2. A group of strategies used to increase the level of health of individuals, families, groups and communities is known as: 3. Food descriptions on labels assist us in better understanding the products inside of the package. Which of the following food description is false? 4. Nutrients that DO NOT yield energy include: 5. The nutrients tha...
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